Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tofu Can Kiss My A@#!

Yeah, I don't like tofu. It belongs in the garbage right next to all those other soy products. Why is it bad besides the fact that it tastes like crap and bounces when dropped on the floor? (I like my protein to land with a thud when it hits the floor). It's bad for you because it has these things in it called phytates. Phytic acid inhibits the uptake of vitamins in our bodies, major ones like these: calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. If you do eat tofu, you're going to need more Vitamin D. (Vitamin D helps calcium do its job in our body.) Soy is listed in some toxic plant lists published by our own government. You might also need more B-12 if you eat soy. (B-12 is important in making blood cells and maintaining the sheath around our nerve cells.) Children of soy-pushing parents are developing at earlier ages. MSG is formed when making soy products, MSG is bad for us, remember? Thyroid cancer, anyone? How about abnormal development in children? Oh yeah! I'll take pancreatic disorders. How about plain old crabby about having to eat something that tastes like crap.

I wouldn't eat soy if you paid me. I wouldn't eat soy if I were starving. I wouldn't eat soy if it were wrapped in bacon. That says a lot, because I'll eat anything wrapped in bacon, except...

Read more about studies about with the evil soy bean:

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