Friday, April 7, 2017

Oh Bacon, How I Love Thee!

I found this title that I wrote years ago in my unpublished list. So, I opened it thinking that I may have written about the awesomeness of bacon. Or maybe I wrote some bacon recipes. Or, perhaps the best bacon restaurants. What is a bacon restaurant anyway? I do not know, but I would most definitely, positively, absolutely have to investigate.

Speaking of restaurants, I appreciate it when a restaurant gives you a real side of bacon. Not just 2 puny strips, but more like the 5 or 6 pieces that you know you will devour.

Back to the title...eagerly, I opened the link. I opened it to...nothing. There was a blank page staring back at me. Then I started giggling because, knowing myself as I do, I kept it because it's so very true. Bacon is my one true love. Yes, I would totally marry bacon if I could.