Sunday, March 12, 2017

State of the World

Wow! The state of this world is troubling to me. How do I explain to my son, who is just turning into a teenager, about how messed up the world is right now. On November 9, last year, I was so upset that I could hardly sleep. My son was also worried about the change in the administration. And, to this day, I can only take in the news in small chunks because, honestly, it makes me weep. The 18 year old girl in the UK that committed suicide because of cyber-bullying that began in Missouri when she was 13, that one made me cry my eyes out. The mass grave in Mosul at the hands of the IS, tragic and heart-breaking. Our current administration and ALL of his appointees, unfortunate for the world. I'm probably on a list somewhere because I've already sent some emails to the white house describing how much I dislike their actions. Honestly, it feels like there's a toddler in the white house.

We do keep politics to a minimum on our house. My son knows that we disagree with the current state of the gov. We also tell him (and ourselves) that the current administration won't last forever. We chat about issues here and there. We talk about each side and try for perspective because he will need that as he enters into the world. But, boy I sure hope the dems can get their crap together. They need to start campaigning right now.

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